John Smith

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  • How to Develop Patience and Self Control ?

    What does be Patient Mean ?

    Be patient means that you choose a goal and than work hard for it. Until you get the desired results. Do not just let things get away, there is always hope. Do not ever think that it is over. Always try to have more patience than everyone else.
    Always Remember Good Things Take Time

    Types of People: 

    1. Those who get irritated and leave their goal.
    2. Those who keep focused on their goals and work hard on them.
    The person who is like  No.2 people will always be ahead of people who just get bored of things too quickly and quit it.

    Always Remember Good Things Take Time

    What is Focus and Self Control ?

    You can say that a person is very good at self control if he can control his thoughts, his actions, and his body language.

    The best example of self control is when you are angry, if you have the authority of taking revenge from someone. You can forgive him or take your revenge, if you forgive the person or anything. You have the best self control on yourself.
    • Self control is that you balance your life in everything
    • Do not exceed in anything
    • Do everything at its time, keep calm
    • Be determinant about the goal you have set
    • Always be confident of the decisions you have made.

    How to Develop Patience and Self Control ?

    Their are few tips in life to become Patient and Self Controlled
    1. Avoid things which distract you, make a list of them.
    2. Always be focused.
    3. Always remember why you started.
    4. Make your mind work according to you.
    5. Repeat above 4 things everyday.
    If you practice these steps in daily life then you will always be a person who leads others.
    Just remember be a Leader not a Follower

     Just make a ultimate objective of your life. Because

    Life of Purpose is Purpose of Life

     Research on Patience

    In Daniel Goleman's Book "Emotional Intelligence". He tells about a research named "Marshmallow".

    In this experiment marshmallow was given to some children and asked them that if they do not eat it for a specific time another marshmallow will be given to them, and if they eat it no marshmallow will be given to them.  
    Some of them ate the marshmallow and some did not. After 10-15 years it was seen that those who did not eat have grown strong with their mind, and are more successful then those who ate the marshmallows. 
    This shows that those person who are more patient are more successful in their lives.


    If you want to Develop self control and Patience just be humble, focused on goals, always have the ability to control your mind, always try to contribute to society, do not just think about yourself. 
    Always Stay mentally strong, have faith in yourself. When you are in a bad phase in your life, you need a lot of patience. Or else you will get disappointed and get bored of your dream. 
    Always practice your level of patience and Enhance it to become best in your field.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

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    How to Develop Patience and Self Control ?

    What does be Patient Mean ? Be patient means that you choose a goal and than work hard for it. Until you get the desired results. Do not ju...


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